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Elderberry Products

Elderberry Drops


-Keeps Respiratory System Healthy

-Prevents Influenza

-Keeps Infections At Bay

-Strengthens The Immune System

-Helps Control Cholesterol

-Helps With Diabetes Mellitus

-Helps Maintain Bone Health

-Ruins Cancerous Cells

-Clean Clear Youthful Skin

Ingredients: Steeped Elderberry Extract


-Take 1-3 Full Drops Daily

Elderberry Syrup
from $6.00


-Elderberries Are Antiviral

-Provides Flu & Cold Relief

-Maintains Blood Sugar Levels

-Aids Digestive System

-Is A Natural Anti Oxidant

- Organic Detox That Disperses Free Radicals & Eliminates Toxins

-Cancer Fighting

-Anti Inflammatory

-Strengthens Bones

-Aides Respiratory Health

-Purifies & Protects The Liver

-Beneficial To Skin

-Benefits The Immune System

Ingredients: Steeped Elderberry Extract, 100% Raw Honey, Cinnamon Sticks, Cinnamon Powder, Concentrated Lemon Juice


-Take 1-2 Tablespoons Daily

Sea Moss Fruit Chews

Made with Sea Moss helps reduce pain and joint inflammation, stimulates hormones, bloating relief while promoting good health all around.

Ingredients: 100% natural spring water, agave, lemon juice, fruit puree, all natural flavoring, all natural preservatives.

Serving: 15 fruit chews per pouch.

Upper Echelon Elderberry Lemonade

Our Elderberry Lemonade Is The Most Effective and Convenient Way To Get Vitamins & Nutrients While Helping Boost The Immune System.


Elderberry, Honey, Cinnamon, Lemon Juice, Lemonade, Sugar